Colloquium on the role of religion within society, at the Belgian Senate
On Tuesday, October 5, 2017, the Rev. Fr. Sorin SELARU, Director of the Representation of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the European Institutions, took part into a colloquium on the social contribution of religion in today’s world, organized by the Belgian Senate.
In these times of identity crisis, churches and religious communities are significant agents in building a dignified and just society. They can help overcoming societal dissensions through the power of hope and by actively taking part in building a better world.
In order to shed more light on this constant contribution of religion to society the Belgian Senate organized, under the patronage of Mr. Koen GEENS, the Federal Minister of Justice of Belgium, a colloquium which brought together political and religious leaders, academics and members of the various religious communities that are legally recognized within Belgium. Many young members of these various faith communities took the floor to bear witness to the vigour and dynamism of religion within society and to express their firm belief that a life lived in faith can indeed change the world for the better.