Europe in troubled waters…. Reformation and Reform in Europe today
On Tuesday, October 10, 2017, the Rev. Fr. Sorin SELARU, Director of the Permanent Office of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the EU Institutions, took part into the conference: “Europe in troubled waters…. Reformation and Reform in Europe today”.

This event was organized by Chapel for Europe, CEC and EKD in the Chapel for Europe.
The keynote speaker was Mr. Jerzy Buzek, MEP, EPP, and former President of the European Parliament (2009-2012). He was accompanied by three church related speakers Mgr. Johan Bonny, Bishop of Antwerp, Member of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; Rev. Fr. Sorin Selaru, Director of the Permanent Office of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the EU Institutions and Rev. Alison McDonald, Church of Scotland and member of CEC Governing Board. The moderator of the conference was Rev. Valentin Wendebourg from EKD.
In the year of the commemoration of 500 years of Reformation this conference discussed which outcomes of the Protestant Reformation might be again of interest and a reference point today in a time of crisis in Europe and related to the European integration process. Which aspects of the Reformation can be inspiring in Europe today? Are there lessons to learn from the Reformation for necessary reforms in Europe today?